Arkansas Fandom

TKFW: I admit it. I goofed. I forgot all about Arkansas. I've never read a genzine or clubzine that came from there, never been to a con there, though I've heard good things about 'em. The only fan I ever knew from Arkansas was the late Dave Ryan, and where he is I can't call him up for a quick consult. Hope this section can be updated later. Neither Guy's Bulletins or Meade's 1980 Handbook are much help, although I note that the contact for the Little Rock club in 1980, Margaret Middleton, is in 1997 a guest of honor at Roc*Kon, suggesting a good deal of continuity there.

(Postscript by MLR: While it is certainly true that we have not seen a great deal of SF fandom coming from Arkansas, the article would be incomplete without mentioning one famous fan from the state: the late Pamela Lynn Caruthers-Montgomery. P.L. was a former President of the Southern Fandom Confederation and a shining star to many a fan. Late in life, she married Larry Montgomery. Unfortunately, she died much too early. RIP, P.L. Another person who should be mentioned is the fan-turned-fantasy author Nancy Collins.)


Special thanks go to Samuel A. Smith, who digitized the SFC Handbook 2nd edition and gave gracious permission to use his existing work in the preparation of the 3rd edition. The main text of this page came from Sam's hard work.--MLR


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