Errata for the 1997 Southern Fandom Confederation Handbook & History


This is a sample of errata.

OFFICERS OF THE SFC (since 1997)

Year President Secretary Treasurer Vice-President
2024 Randy B. Cleary Jennifer Liang Brandy Bolgeo Hendren Regina Kirby
2021 Jimmy Liang Jennifer Liang
2020 Gary Robe
2018 Thomas R. “Tom” Feller
2017 Jennifer Liang Gary Robe
2015 Patrick Molloy
2014 Mike Rogers
2012 Warren Buff
2009 Janet Hopkins
2008 Julie Wall
2007 Randy B. Cleary
2004 Judy Bemis
2001 Julie Wall Bill Francis
1998 Patrick Molloy
1997 Thomas R. “Tom” Feller Tim Gatewood

Additional Art Credits

Page 3: DSC '78 badge.
Page 18: DSC 25 bid flyer.
Page 35: AtlantisCon Con Report One cover.
Page 111: LoneStarCon 2 logo.

Chimneyville Fantasy and Science Fiction Society

As of June 13, 1997, the address for the Chimneyville Fantasy and Science Fiction Society changed to:

Chimneyville Fantasy and Science Fiction Society
c/o Ruth Shields
1410 McDowell Road
Jackson, MS 39204-5147

Pegasus Publishing

As of December 15, 2003, the Pegasus Publishing web site ( listed the following contact information:

Pegasus Publishing
P. O. Box 1845
Sherman, TX 75091-1845

903-893-98946 (fax)
888-673-4782 (toll-free order line)


David Hulan won the Rebel Award at DSC 4.

DSC 10

The Con Chairs for DSC 10 were Joe Celko and Steve Hughes.

DSC 29

The Con Chairs for DSC 29 were Chloie Airoldi and Mandy Pack.

DSC 6 Badge

This is a badge from DSC 6, picked up from the freebie table at DSC 52 in Bristol, VA:

[IMAGE: DSC 6 Badge]

Amendments to the SFC Bylaws, 1997

At the SFC business meeting held on 8 June 1997, Section 3 of the SFC Bylaws was amended to read as follows:

SECTION 3. The officers of the SFC shall consist of (a) President, (b) Vice President, (c) Secretary, and (d) Treasurer. All officers of the SFC must reside within the Confederacy. All are elected to one-year terms of office. Other than the President, any two (2) offices may be combined for one year at the option of the membership present and voting at the meeting at which officers are elected. Without specifically voting to combine two offices, the membership may effectively accomplish the same result by electing the same person to two offices; however, no person shall be allowed to be elected as President if already elected to serve in another office during the same or overlapping term(s) of office and no person elected as President shall be allowed to be elected to serve in another office during the same or overlapping term(s) of office.

(a) {Errata} The President shall run the annual SFC business meeting, present a summary of the year's activities, set SFC policy on matters of controversy, publish the official SFC bulletin on a quarterly basis, and represent the SFC at all fannish functions.

(b) The Vice President shall serve in the place of the President should the President be absent. The Vice President shall also assist the President in special projects and other duties as requested by the President within reason.

(c) The secretary of the SFC, in conjunction with the other officers, shall maintain a file of all active Southern fans, clubs, amateur press alliances, conventions, and related fannish enterprises (including those available only electronically) and shall work to disseminate information about these persons, publications, organizations, and events to interested parties, especially members of the SFC. The Secretary shall also maintain the minutes, records, and other documents of the SFC created and/or used during the Secretary's term of office, and shall turn over said minutes, records, and other documents to the Archivist upon completion of the Secretary's term of office. The Secretary shall take minutes of the SFC Business meeting and the DSC Business Meeting held at DeepSouthCon during her or his term of office and shall prepare a report of same to be submitted to the president for publication in the Bulletin. The Secretary shall also assist the President and the Vice President upon request within reason. In the event of the absence of the President and the Vice President, the Secretary shall preside.

(d) The Treasurer shall collect dues for the SFC and maintain an account at a convenient bank on which only the Treasurer or the President may draw. The Treasurer is responsible for mailing the official Bulletin at the cheapest possible rate. The Treasurer shall also assist the other officers at request within reason. In the absence of all other officers, the Treasurer shall preside.

Amendments to the SFC Bylaws, 1998

At the SFC business meeting held on 14 June 1998, Section 5, Editorial Policy, Part D, of the SFC Bylaws was amended to read as follows:

(d) The SFC shall promote the candidacy of Southern fans and professionals for fAndOm-wide honors such as the Hugo Award. (Capitalization courtesy Guy Lillian, as reported by Tim Gatewood, SFC Secretary.)

Amendments to the SFC Bylaws, 1999

At the SFC business meeting held on 8 August 1999, Section 5 of the SFC Bylaws was amended to read as follows:

SECTION 5. The official SFC Bulletin shall be published at least every four months. The contents of each issue shall be left to the discretion of the President/editor, but shall include the following: one issue each year shall include a comprehensive list of Southern SF clubs, apas, fanzines, and/or dues-paid and -exempt SFC members. Other material in the bulletin shall be concerned with Southern fandom's history, present activity & future plans.

Amendments to the SFC Bylaws, 2000

At the SFC business meeting held on 21 May 2000, Section 4 of the SFC Bylaws was amended to read as follows:

SECTION 4. {Errata} Dues for the SFC are $15.00 per year for an individual, with institutional dues being five times that amount, a year being defined as the period between successive DeepSouthCons. The following are dues-exempt: (a) Winners of the Rebel and Phoenix Awards presented at the DSC, (b) Individuals who have performed such service to the organization that the President feels they merit exemption, (c) SFC officers during their term of service.

Amendments to the SFC Bylaws, 2002

At the SFC business meeting held on 16 June 2002, Section 3(a) of the SFC Bylaws was amended to read as follows:

(a) The President shall run the annual SFC business meeting, present a summary of the year's activities, set SFC policy on matters of controversy, publish the official SFC bulletin on a tri-annual basis, and represent the SFC at all fannish functions.

Amendments to the SFC Bylaws, 2008

At the SFC business meeting held on 16 March 2008, Section 4 of the SFC Bylaws was amended to read as follows:

SECTION 4. Dues for the SFC are $15.00 per year for an individual, with institutional dues being $50.00 per year, a year being defined as the period between successive DeepSouthCons. Payment of institutional dues also entitles the organization so paying to one free advertisement in the SFC bulletin. The following are dues-exempt: (a) Winners of the Rebel and Phoenix Awards presented at the DSC, (b) Individuals who have performed such service to the organization that the President feels they merit exemption, (c) SFC officers during their term of service.

Amendments to the SFC Bylaws, 2014

At the SFC business meeting held on 18 May 2014, Section 1 of the SFC Bylaws was amended to read as follows:

SECTION 1 {errata} (a) The Southern Fandom Confederation is a non-profit organization of, by, and for science fiction and fantasy fans residing in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia; existing for the purpose of promoting fan and professional activity within that area. (b) The President shall have the discretion to name as “Southern Sympathizers” persons or groups outside the South for the purpose of membership and participation in the SFC.

Amendments to the SFC Bylaws, 2015

At the SFC business meeting held on 4 October 2015, Section 2 of the SFC Bylaws was amended to read as follows:

SECTION 2. The SFC shall meet once a year, simultaneously and at the same place as the DeepSouthCon, hereafter DSC. In the event a DSC is not held in a given year, the SFC officers may agree on a time and place for the annual meeting, preferably at an alternate southern convention, and will announce that information to the membership in a timely manner. This meeting shall be open to all dues-paid and dues-exempt SFC members, plus interested parties. Only Dues-paid or -exempt members may speak or vote except through dispensation by the presiding officer. Each meeting shall consist of: (a) a review of the year's activity, (b) election of officers, and (c) suggestions from the membership for activities in the year ahead.

Amendments to the SFC Bylaws, 2022

At the SFC business meeting held on 23 October 2022, Section 1 of the SFC Bylaws was amended to read as follows:

SECTION 1 (a) The Southern Fandom Confederation is a non-profit organization of, by, and for science fiction and fantasy fans residing in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia; existing for the purpose of promoting fan and professional activity within that area. The SFC has been and always shall be a non-discriminatory organization. (b) The President shall have the discretion to name as “Southern Sympathizers” persons or groups outside the South for the purpose of membership and participation in the SFC.

SFC Bylaws, 2022

These are the SFC Bylaws, as last amended (at the 23 October 2022 meeting):

SFC By-Laws

SECTION 1 (a) The Southern Fandom Confederation is a non-profit organization of, by, and for science fiction and fantasy fans residing in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia; existing for the purpose of promoting fan and professional activity within that area. The SFC has been and always shall be a non-discriminatory organization. (b) The President shall have the discretion to name as “Southern Sympathizers” persons or groups outside the South for the purpose of membership and participation in the SFC.

SECTION 2. The SFC shall meet once a year, simultaneously and at the same place as the DeepSouthCon, hereafter DSC. In the event a DSC is not held in a given year, the SFC officers may agree on a time and place for the annual meeting, preferably at an alternate southern convention, and will announce that information to the membership in a timely manner. This meeting shall be open to all dues-paid and dues-exempt SFC members, plus interested parties. Only Dues-paid or -exempt members may speak or vote except through dispensation by the presiding officer. Each meeting shall consist of: (a) a review of the year's activity, (b) election of officers, and (c) suggestions from the membership for activities in the year ahead.

SECTION 3. The officers of the SFC shall consist of (a) President, (b) Vice President, (c) Secretary, and (d) Treasurer. All officers of the SFC must reside within the Confederacy. All are elected to one-year terms of office. Other than the President, any two (2) offices may be combined for one year at the option of the membership present and voting at the meeting at which officers are elected. Without specifically voting to combine two offices, the membership may effectively accomplish the same result by electing the same person to two offices; however, no person shall be allowed to be elected as President if already elected to serve in another office during the same or overlapping term(s) of office and no person elected as President shall be allowed to be elected to serve in another office during the same or overlapping term(s) of office.

(a) The President shall run the annual SFC business meeting, present a summary of the year's activities, set SFC policy on matters of controversy, publish the official SFC bulletin on a tri-annual basis, and represent the SFC at all fannish functions.

(b) The Vice President shall serve in the place of the President should the President be absent. The Vice President shall also assist the President in special projects and other duties as requested by the President within reason.

(c) The secretary of the SFC, in conjunction with the other officers, shall maintain a file of all active Southern fans, clubs, amateur press alliances, conventions, and related fannish enterprises (including those available only electronically) and shall work to disseminate information about these persons, publications, organizations, and events to interested parties, especially members of the SFC. The Secretary shall also maintain the minutes, records, and other documents of the SFC created and/or used during the Secretary's term of office, and shall turn over said minutes, records, and other documents to the Archivist upon completion of the Secretary's term of office. The Secretary shall take minutes of the SFC Business meeting and the DSC Business Meeting held at DeepSouthCon during her or his term of office and shall prepare a report of same to be submitted to the president for publication in the Bulletin. The Secretary shall also assist the President and the Vice President upon request within reason. In the event of the absence of the President and the Vice President, the Secretary shall preside.

(d) The Treasurer shall collect dues for the SFC and maintain an account at a convenient bank on which only the Treasurer or the President may draw. The Treasurer is responsible for mailing the official Bulletin at the cheapest possible rate. The Treasurer shall also assist the other officers at request within reason. In the absence of all other officers, the Treasurer shall preside.

SECTION 4. Dues for the SFC are $15.00 per year for an individual, with institutional dues being $50.00 per year, a year being defined as the period between successive DeepSouthCons. Payment of institutional dues also entitles the organization so paying to one free advertisement in the SFC bulletin. The following are dues-exempt: (a) Winners of the Rebel and Phoenix Awards presented at the DSC, (b) Individuals who have performed such service to the organization that the President feels they merit exemption, (c) SFC officers during their term of service.

SECTION 5. The official SFC Bulletin shall be published at least every four months. The contents of each issue shall be left to the discretion of the President/editor, but shall include the following: one issue each year shall include a comprehensive list of Southern SF clubs, apas, fanzines, and/or dues-paid and -exempt SFC members. Other material in the bulletin shall be concerned with Southern fandom's history, present activity & future plans.

Editorial policy: (a) The bulletin shall concern itself freely with controversial matters confronting Southern Fandom. All editorial opinions shall be signed by the author and shall not be considered reflective of the opinions of any officer of the SFC itself. (b) The bulletin shall maintain a neutral position between and among competing bids for DSC, or between and among Southern contenders for a Worldcon. (c) A letter column shall be printed in each issue containing a comprehensive spectrum of opinion on any matter before the SFC. (d) The SFC shall promote the candidacy of Southern fans and professionals for fAndOm-wide honors such as the Hugo Award. (Capitalization courtesy Guy Lillian, as reported by Tim Gatewood, SFC Secretary.)

SECTION 6. This set of by-laws may be amended or replaced by the SFC members in attendance at the DSC meeting. Any amendment proposed in writing and signed by 20 or more SFC members must be brought before this meeting and voted upon. A majority of members at the meeting may cause an amendment to be brought to a vote. A 2/3 majority of members voting shall be sufficient to cause an amendment to pass.

SECTION 7. All previous by-laws, rules and constitutions of the SFC are henceforth null and void. (As amended at the SFC 1993 meeting, 1997 meeting, 1998 meeting, 1999 meeting, 2000 meeting, 2002 meeting, 2008 meeting, 2014 meeting, and 2015 meeting.)

Amendments to the DSC Bylaws, 2004

At the DSC business meeting held on 28 March 2004, the following proposals were made to amend the DSC Bylaws:

Proposal 1

Change the wording of Section 2. Paragraph 2. From

“A committee shall be listed on the ballot if it submits to the current DSC, by 6:00 PM on Friday of the current DSC, the following: a list of committee officers, a contract or letter of agreement with a facility adequate to hold the DSC, and a statement that the committee agrees to abide by these rules. A committee may bid any site in the states of Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, and all states both south and east of any of these.”


“A committee shall be listed on the ballot if it submits to the current DSC, by 6:00 PM on Friday of the current DSC, the following: a list of committee officers, a contract or letter of agreement with a facility adequate to hold the DSC, and a statement that the committee agrees to abide by these rules. A committee may bid any site in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.”

Proposal 2

Add to the current bylaws

Section 1. Paragraph 4. A DeepSouthCon committee may present such awards as it deems appropriate. The traditional awards given out by the DSC are the Rebel Award for fannish activity and the Phoenix Award for professional science fiction and fantasy activity. Should a DSC choose to award the Rebel and/or Phoenix, the following guidelines shall be followed:

a. The Rebel award is given to one or more science fiction fans who have, at some point, resided in the south (as defined in section 2, paragraph 2) or whose fannish activities have contributed to southern fandom in a positive way.

b. The Phoenix award is given to one or more science fiction or fantasy professionals who have, at some point, resided in the south; whose professional work reflects on the south in a positive way; or who have demonstrated friendship with Southern fandom through support of regional fan activities.

c. Either award may be given posthumously.

d. Rebel and Phoenix awards are considered lifetime achievement awards, therefore no individual shall be given the same award a second time. However, a past winner of either award may also win the other award, as long as they meet the criteria outlined in subparagraphs (a) and (b).

(As amended at the 28 March 2004 DSC business meeting.)

These proposals were both passed on to the DSC 43 business meeting. If approved at this business meeting, then these amendments to the DSC Bylaws will go into effect after DSC 43.

Amendments to the DSC Bylaws, 2005

At the DSC business meeting held on 10 April 2005, Proposal 1 and Proposal 2 to amend the DSC Bylaws received their second reading and were approved. These amendments went into effect after DSC 43.

Amendments to the DSC Bylaws, 2011

At the DSC business meeting held on 25 September 2011, the following proposal was made to amend the DSC Bylaws:

Change the word “Constitution” to the word “Bylaws”.

(This was in reference to Section 3. Paragraph 3. where the “Bylaws” say that the “Consitution” shall be published in the program book of each DSC. The Bylaws should say that the “Bylaws” shall be published. Note that this “Constitution” / “Bylaws” mistake also occurs in Section 3. Paragraph 1.)

(Note that at the DSC business meeting held on 17 June 2012, this issue was not raised, nor voted on, so the amendment failed to pass.)

Amendments to the DSC Bylaws, 2015

At the DSC business meeting held on 4 October 2015, the following proposal was made to amend the DSC Bylaws:

Add a Section 2. Paragraph 3. as follows:

“DSC Members in attendance at the DSC Business Meeting will be asked to leave contact information. In the event that a DSC should be cancelled, the members who were present to select that DSC shall be polled by the remaining seated DSC to determine whether they would like to select a replacement DSC for that year. Each DSC shall be furnished with this contact list for both their selection and the other seated DSC. In the event that the membership declines to select a replacement DSC and a DSC is held before the cancelled convention, selection of a replacement DSC may be moved at the business meeting of that seated DSC.”

This proposal was passed on to the DSC 54 business meeting. If approved at this business meeting, then this amendment to the DSC Bylaws will go into effect after DSC 54.

Amendments to the DSC Bylaws, 2016

At the DSC business meeting held on 24 April 2016, the 2015 proposal to amend the DSC Bylaws received its second reading, and was approved (abeit with a “lesser change” to add a clarification of intent). This amendment went into effect after DSC 54.

The final text is as follows:

“DSC Members in attendance at the DSC Business Meeting will be asked to leave contact information. In the event that a DSC should be cancelled, the members who were present to select that DSC shall be polled by the remaining seated DSC to determine whether they would like to select a replacement DSC for that year. Each DSC shall be furnished with this contact list for both their selection and the other seated DSC. The members shall be polled electronically and a simple majority of the respondents will pass the proposal. In the event that the membership declines to select a replacement DSC and a DSC is held before the cancelled convention, selection of a replacement DSC may be moved at the business meeting of that seated DSC.”

Amendments to the DSC Bylaws, 2018

At the DSC business meeting held on 25 February 2018, the following proposal was made to amend the DSC Bylaws:

Amend Section 2, Paragraph 2 by adding the following text to the end of the paragraph:

“A site shall be ineligible if it is within one hundred (100) miles of the site at which selection occurs, unless the site is the only bid submitted to the administering committee.”

This proposal was passed on to the DSC 57 business meeting. If approved at this business meeting, then this amendment to the DSC Bylaws will go into effect after DSC 57.

At the DSC business meeting held on 2 June 2019, after some discussion, it was decided to “kick the can” down the road to the DSC 58 business meeting, and delay the final vote on this amendment until the DSC 58 business meeting.

Amendments to the DSC Bylaws, 2020

As the DSC business meeting held on 21 November 2020, the 2018 proposal to amend the DSC Bylaws received its delayed second reading, and was approved without modification. This amendment went into effect after DSC 58.

DSC Bylaws, 2020

These are the DSC Bylaws, as last amended (at the 21 November 2020 meeting):

DSC By-Laws

Section 1. Paragraph 1. The DeepSouthCon is an unincorporated literary society whose functions are to choose the locations and committees of the annual DeepSouth Science Fiction Convention (hereinafter referred to as the DSC); to attend the DSC; and to perform such other activities as may be necessary or incidental to these purposes.

Section 1. Paragraph 2. The membership of DSC shall consist of (A) anyone paying the membership fee established by the current DSC committee, or (B) anyone upon whom the current DSC committee confers a complimentary membership. Only members attending the DSC will have voting privileges and each person shall have one vote. Absentee and proxy votes are not allowed. An optional class of non-voting supporting membership may be established by the current DSC committee for persons who wish to receive DSC publications but cannot attend the convention and participate in the business meeting.

Section 1. Paragraph 3. No part of DSC's net earnings shall be paid to its members, officers, or other private persons except in furtherance of the DSC's purposes. The DSC shall not attempt to influence legislation or any political campaign for public office. Should the DSC dissolve, its assets shall be distributed by the current DSC committee or the appropriate court having jurisdiction exclusive for charitable purposes.

Section 1. Paragraph 4. A DeepSouthCon committee may present such awards as it deems appropriate. The traditional awards given out by the DSC are the Rebel Award for fannish activity and the Phoenix Award for professional science fiction and fantasy activity. Should a DSC choose to award the Rebel and/or Phoenix, the following guidelines shall be followed:

a. The Rebel award is given to one or more science fiction fans who have, at some point, resided in the south (as defined in section 2, paragraph 2) or whose fannish activities have contributed to southern fandom in a positive way.

b. The Phoenix award is given to one or more science fiction or fantasy professionals who have, at some point, resided in the south; whose professional work reflects on the south in a positive way; or who have demonstrated friendship with Southern fandom through support of regional fan activities.

c. Either award may be given posthumously.

d. Rebel and Phoenix awards are considered lifetime achievement awards, therefore no individual shall be given the same award a second time. However, a past winner of either award may also win the other award, as long as they meet the criteria outlined in subparagraphs (a) and (b).

Section 2. Paragraph 1. The voting membership of DSC shall choose the location and committee of the DSC to be held in the calendar year two years after the current DSC. Voting shall be by ballot cast at the current DSC. Counting of all votes shall be the responsibility of the DSC committee, using the preferential ballot system as it is used in site selection voting for the World Science Fiction Convention.

Section 2. Paragraph 2. A committee shall be listed on the ballot if it submits to the current DSC, by 6:00 PM on Friday of the current DSC, the following: a list of committee officers, a contract or letter of agreement with a facility adequate to hold the DSC, and a statement that the committee agrees to abide by these rules. A committee may bid any site in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. A site shall be ineligible if it is within one hundred (100) miles of the site at which selection occurs, unless the site is the only bid submitted to the administering committee.

Section 2. Paragraph 3. DSC Members in attendance at the DSC Business Meeting will be asked to leave contact information. In the event that a DSC should be cancelled, the members who were present to select that DSC shall be polled by the remaining seated DSC to determine whether they would like to select a replacement DSC for that year. Each DSC shall be furnished with this contact list for both their selection and the other seated DSC. The members shall be polled electronically and a simple majority of the respondents will pass the proposal. In the event that the membership declines to select a replacement DSC and a DSC is held before the cancelled convention, selection of a replacement DSC may be moved at the business meeting of that seated DSC.

Section 3. Paragraph 1. Any proposal to amend this constitution shall require two-thirds vote of all the votes cast on the question at the DSC meeting held at two successive DSCs.

Section 3. Paragraph 2. DSC meetings shall be held at advertised times at each DSC. The current DSC committee shall provide the Presiding officer for each meeting. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, and any Standing Rules the meeting shall adopt.

Section 3. Paragraph 3. The DSC constitution shall be published in the program book of each DSC. Any amendments eligible for ratification at the DSC shall also be published in the program book.

A Tabular History of DeepSouthCons

Date Title Location # Con Chair Rebel Winner Phoenix Winner Guests
DSC 1 July 1963 MidSouthCon Huntsville, AL 5 David Hulan
DSC 2 August 21-23, 1964 Anniston, AL 6 Larry Montgomery
DSC 3 August 6-8, 1965 Birmingham, AL 19 Al Andrews & Larry Montgomery Al Andrews
DSC 4 August 26-28, 1966 Huntsville, AL 20 Lon Atkins David Hulan
DSC 5 1967 Atlanta, GA 25 Jerry Page
DSC 6 August 23-25, 1968 New Orleans, LA 72 Don Markstein & Rick Norwood
Daniel Galouye (GoH)
DSC 7 August 22-24, 1969 Knoxville, TN 35 Janie Lamb
Rachel Maddux (GoH)
DSC 8 August 14-16, 1970 Agacon '70 Atlanta, GA 130 Glen Brock Irvin Koch Richard C. Meredith Sam Moskowitz (GoH)
Richard C. Meredith (MC)
DSC 9 August 26-30, 1971 Pelicon New Orleans, LA 105 John Guidry & Rick Norwood Janie Lamb R.A. Lafferty Poul Anderson (GoH)
Fred Patten (Fan GoH)
DSC 10 August 25-27, 1972 Atlantiscon Atlanta, GA 162 Joe Celko & Steve Hughes
Hal Clement (GoH)
Kelly Freas (MC)
DSC 11 August 23-26, 1973
New Orleans, LA 175 John Guidry & Don Markstein Hank Reinhardt Thomas Burnett Swann Joseph L. Green (GoH)
Joe Celko (Fan GoH)
DSC 12 August 23-25, 1974 AgaCon '74 Atlanta, GA 178 Joe Celko & Sam Gastfriend Ken Moore George Alec Effinger
DSC 13 August 25-27, 1975 RiverCon I Louisville, KY 545 Cliff Amos Meade Frierson III Andre Norton Phillip José Farmer (GoH)
Andrew J. Offutt (MC)
DSC 14 August 27-29, 1976
Atlanta, GA 162 Binker Hughes Ned Brooks Manly Wade Wellman & Gahan Wilson L. Sprague de Camp (GoH)
Kelly Freas (MC)
DSC 15 August 26-28, 1977 B'hamacon Birmingham, AL 340 Penny Frierson Cliff Biggers & Susan Biggers Michael Bishop Michael Bishop (GoH)
Hank Reinhardt (MC)
Charles & Dena Brown (Fan GoHs)
DSC 16 June 20-22, 1978
Atlanta, GA 731 Richard Garrison Don Markstein Karl Edward Wagner Jack Williamson (GoH)
Kelly Freas (MC)
DSC 17 July 20-22, 1979 GumboCon New Orleans, LA 420 Justin Winston Cliff Amos Jo Clayton R.A. Lafferty (GoH)
DSC 18 August 22-24, 1980 ASFICon Atlanta, GA 514 Cliff Biggers Jerry Page Piers Anthony Ted White (GoH)
Michael Bishop (MC)
Mike Glyer (Fan GoH)
DSC 19 August 28-30, 1981 B'hamacon II Birmingham, AL 342 Jim Gilpatrick Dick Lynch & Nicki Lynch Mary Elizabeth Counselman Bob Shaw (GoH)
Jerry Page (MC)
Hank Reinhardt (Fan GoH)
DSC 20 June 11-12, 1982 ASFICon II Atlanta, GA 323 mike weber Lon Atkins Kelly Freas Karl Edward Wagner (GoH)
Kelly Freas (MC)
Lon Atkins (Fan GoH)
DSC 21 June 3-5, 1983 Satyricon II Knoxville, TN 804 Vernon Clark John Guidry & Lynn Hickman Doug Chaffee & Joe Haldeman Stephen King (GoH)
Barbara Wagner (MC)
Guy H. Lillian III (Fan GoH)
DSC 22 June 21-24, 1984 Chattanooga DSC Chattanooga, TN 742 Irvin Koch Guy H. Lillian III David Drake Joan D. Vinge (GoH)
Karl Edward Wagner (MC)
Jerry Page (Fan GoH)
DSC 23 June 21-23, 1985
Huntsville, AL 822 Mary Axford & Richard Gilliam Larry Montgomery & P.L. Caruthers-Montgomery Sharon Webb Marion Zimmer Bradley (GoH)
Algis Budrys (MC)
Barclay Shaw (Artist GoH)
Bob Sampson (Fan GoH)
DSC 24 September 26-28, 1986 L&N DSC Louisville, KY 570 Sue Francis & Ken Moore John A.R. Hollis Andrew J. Offutt David Hartwell (GoH)
Somtow Suchartikul (MC)
Ann Layman Chancellor (Fan GoH)
Alex Schomburg (Artist GoH)
DSC 25 June 11-14, 1987
Huntsville, AL 729 Richard Gilliam & Patrick Molloy Lee Hoffman & Penny Frierson Orson Scott Card & Hugh B. Cave Robert Bloch (GoH)
Hugh B. Cave (Special Guest)
Ramsey Campbell (MC)
Phil Foglio (Artist GoH)
Lee Hoffman (Fan GoH)
DSC 26 June 10-12, 1988 Phoenixcon III Atlanta, GA 648 Bill Sutton Sue Phillips & mike weber Gerald W. Page Gregory Benford (GoH)
Kelly Freas (Artist GoH)
Joe Haldeman (TM)
The Cosmic Legion (Fan GoH)
DSC 27 June 9-11, 1989 MidSouthCon VIII Memphis, TN 533 Richard Moore Stven Carlberg & Maurine Dorris Robert Adams Orson Scott Card (GoH)
C.J. Cherryh (TM)
G. Patrick Molloy (Fan GoH)
Mary Hanson Roberts (Artist GoH)
Bill Sutton (Filk Guest)
DSC 28 June 7-10, 1990
Chattanooga, TN
Ken Cobb Charlotte Proctor Wilson Tucker Bob Shaw (GoH)
Forrest J. Ackerman (TM)
Bryan Webb (Fan GoH)
Darrell K. Sweet (Artist GoH)
Raymond Feist (Special Guest)
DSC 29 June 7-9, 1991 ConCat III Knoxville, TN
Chloie Airoldi & Mandy Pack Samanda b Jeude Charles Grant Charles Grant (GoH)
Doug Chaffee (Artist GoH)
Andrew J. Offutt (TM)
Ken Moore (Fan GoH)
Mercedes Lackey (Special Guest)
Larry Dixon (Special Guest)
DSC 30 May 1-3, 1992 Phoenixcon DSC Suwanee, GA
Mike Reaser Steve & Sue Francis Brad Lineweaver & Brad Strickland Joe Lansdale (GoH)
Alan Clark (Artist GoH)
Charles Grant (TM)
Marilyn Teague (Fan GoH)
DSC 31 June 4-6, 1993 Conjuration Louisville, KY 361 Jack Heazlitt & Jennifer Wilson G. Patrick Molloy Terry Bisson Emma Bull (GoH)
Will Shetterly (GoH)
Dawn Wilson (Artist GoH)
Genny Dazzo (Fan GoH)
Andrew J. Offutt (TM)
DSC 32 August 26-28, 1994 B'hamacon III Birmingham, AL ~425 Julie Wall Don Cook & Bob Shaw Toni Weisskopf Lois McMaster Bujold (GoH)
Mike Resnick (TM)
Bob Shaw (Fan GoH)
Debbie Hughes & Mark Maxwell (Artist GoHs)
DSC 33 May 11-14, 1995 Kubla Khan 23 / Parthekhan Nashville, TN 261 Ken Moore J.R. “Mad Dog” Madden Darrell Richardson Elsie Wollheim (GoH)
Larry Elmore (Artist GoH)
Steve & Sue Francis (Fan GoHs)
Andrew J. Offutt (TM)
DSC 34 April 26-28, 1996 Beachcon Jekyll Island, GA 237 Bill Francis Gary & Corlis Robe Jack C. Haldeman II Harry Turtledove (GoH)
Peggy Ranson (Artist GoH)
Joe Siclari & Edie Stern (Fan GoHs)
Jack C. Haldeman (TM)
Barbara Delaplace (Spousal Guest)
DSC 35 June 6-8, 1997 ChimneyCon 3 Jackson, MS ~200 Tom Feller Teddy Harvia James P. Hogan J.R. Madden (Fan GoH)
Michael Scott (TM)
Hanther (Artist GoH)
James P. Hogan (Special Guest)
DSC 36 June 12-14, 1998 B'hamacon IV Birmingham, AL 340 Julie Wall & Gary Rowan Tom Feller & Wilson “Bob” Tucker David Weber Michael Bishop (GoH)
David & Lori Dietrick (Artist GoHs)
Buck & Juanita Coulson (Fan GoHs)
Wilson “Bob” Tucker (TM)
DSC 37 August 5-7, 1999 Crescent City Con XVI New Orleans, LA
Robert Neagle “Uncle Timmy” Bolgeo Danny Frolich Mike Resnick (Author GoH)
Steve Jackson (Gaming GoH)
Toni Weisskopf (Fan GoH)
Tom Kidd (Artist GoH)
George Alec Effinger (TM)
Barbara Hambly (Special Guest)
Algis Budrys (Special Guest)
DSC 38 May 19-21, 2000 Son of Beachcon Jekyll Island, GA 201 Bill Francis Lynn Harris & T.K.F. Weisskopf Jack McDevitt Jack McDevitt (GoH)
Ron Walotsky (Artist GoH)
P.L. Caruthers-Montgomery & Larry Montgomery (Fan GoHs)
Jack Haldeman (TM)
Allen Steele (Special Guest)
DSC 39 May 4-6, 2001 Tenacity 1 Birmingham, AL 310 Paulette Baker Robert Neagle & Sam Smith Sharon Green Catherine Asaro (GoH)
Sharon Green (TM)
Larry Elmore (Artist GoH)
Ned Brooks (Fan GoH)
Dr. Lawrence J. DeLucas (Science GoH)
Weatherly, Lanie, & Crew Hardy (Dealer GoHs)
DSC 40 June 14-16, 2002
Huntsville, AL 382 Sam Smith Julie Wall Allen Steele Allen Steele (GoH)
Connie Willis (TM)
Vincent Di Fate (Artist GoH)
Nicki & Rich Lynch (Fan GoHs)
DSC 41 July 25-27, 2003 LibertyCon 16 Chattanooga, TN ~437
“Uncle Timmy” Bolgeo Mike Kennedy Rick Shelley (Posthumously) & Larry Elmore S. M. Stirling (Literary GoH)
Darrell K. Sweet (Artist GoH)
John Ringo (Special Guest)
Darryl Elliott (MC)
DSC 42 March 26-28, 2004 MidSouthCon XXII Memphis, TN 1039 Dana & Greg Bridges Dal Coger (Posthumously) & Sue Thorn Dr. Gregory Benford David Brin (GoH)
Todd Lockwood (Artist GoH)
David Williams (Gaming GoH)
Dragon Dronet (Media GoH)
Cullen Johnson (Fan GoH)
Michael Sheard (TM)
DSC 43 April 8-10, 2005 Xanadu 8 Nashville, TN 168 Dan Caldwell Naomi Fisher Jack L. Chalker (Posthumously) Mike Resnick (GoH)
Connie Willis (MC)
Darryl Elliott (Artist GoH)
Timothy “Uncle Timmy” Bolgeo (Fan GoH)
DSC 44 July 21-23, 2006 Trinoc*coN 7 Raleigh-Durham, NC ~514 Mike Moon Dan Caldwell John Kessel David Drake (Literary GoH)
John Kessel (Literary GoH)
David G. Hartwell (Literary TM)
Patrick Meadows (Artist GoH)
Barry N. Malzberg (Literary SG)
DSC 45 September 7-9, 2007 OutsideCon 20 Dickson, TN ~120 Robert W. Embler Bill Payne, “Dutch” Stacy, & Mickey Kilgore Tom Deitz Clifton E. Gibbs (Very Special Guest)
Christina Barber (Guest Author)
Brenna Walters (Guest Artist)
DSC 46 March 14-16, 2008 StellarCon 32 High Point, NC 625 Mike Monaghan Kelly Lockhart Jim Baen (Posthumously) Toni Weisskopf (Literary GoH)
Monte Moore (Artist GoH)
Steve Long (Gaming GoH)
Cheralyn Lambeth (Fan GoH)
DSC 47 June 5-7, 2009 Hypericon 5 Nashville, TN ~300 Fred Grimm Randy Cleary Robert “Rick” McCammon Brian Keene (Author GoH)
Steven Gilberts (Artist GoH)
Bob Embler (Fan GoH)
Kathy Mar (Special Filk Guest)
Glen Cook, Jonathan Maberry (Special Author Guests)
DSC 48 June 4-6, 2010 ConCarolinas 2010 Charlotte, NC ~1300 Ron McClung Albin Johnson Jerry Pournelle Richard Hatch (Media GoH)
Jerry Pournelle (Writer GoH)
Bill and Brenda Sutton (Musical GoH)
Ed Beard, Jr. (Artist GoH)
Albin Johnson (Fan GoH)
DSC 49 September 23-25, 2011 FenCon VIII Addison (Dallas), TX ~900 Julie Barrett Brad W. Foster Selina Rosen Gail Carriger (GoH)
Joe Bethancourt (Music GoH)
Vincent Di Fate (Artist GoH)
Les Johnson (Science GoH)
Steven H Silver (Fen GoH)
Bradley Denton (TM)
Lou Anders (Special Guest)
Stephan Martiniere (Special Guest)
DSC 50 June 15-17, 2012 Lunar Party Huntsville, AL 546 Julie Wall, Toni Weisskopf, & Linda Zielke Shelby Vick, Linda Zielke, Bill Zielke, Becky Zielke, & Robert Zielke John Ringo Lois McMaster Bujold (Professional GoH)
Howard Tayler (Artist GoH)
Travis “Doc” Taylor (TM)
David Hulan (Fan GoH)
Larry Montgomery (Fan GoH)
Dr. Demento (Special Media GoH)
DSC 51 April 19-21, 2013 JordanCon V “Tar Va'Con” Roswell, GA Over 550 Jennifer Liang Regina Kirby & M. Lee Rogers James O. Rigney Jr. a.k.a. Robert Jordan (Posthumously) Seanan MacGuire (Author GoH)
Michael Whelan (Artist GoH)
Leigh Butler (TM)
DSC 52 May 16-18, 2014 Contrails Bristol, VA 61 Gary Robe Judy Bemis Steve Jackson Gordon Van Gelder (GoH)
Naomi Fisher (Fan GoH)
Pat Molloy (Fan GoH)
Grace Molloy (Kid GoH)
Charles Vess (Artist GoH)
Marc Michael (Musical GoH)
DSC 53 October 2-4, 2015 CONtraflow 5 Kenner (New Orleans), LA 677 Jessica Styons Michael Scott & Frank Schiavo Robert Asprin (Posthumously) & Diana Rowland Robert Sawyer (Author GoH)
John Guidry (Fan GoH)
Julie Dillon (Artist GoH)
Les Johnson (Author/Science GoH)
Robert Asprin (Memorial GoH)
Mark Van Name (TM)
DSC 54 April 22-24, 2016 JordanCon 8 Atlanta, GA 701 Jennifer Liang Bill Harrison & Pat Henry Eugie Foster (Posthumously) & Jana Oliver Catherine Asaro (Author GoH)
John Picacio (Artist GoH)
Linda Taglieri (TM)
DSC 55 July 14-16, 2017 Con•Gregate 4 High Point, NC 465 James Fulbright Bob Ellis (Posthumously) & Michael D. Pederson Aaron Allston (Posthumously) & Simon Hawke Barbara Hambly (Writer GoH)
Alan Pollock (Artist GoH)
Michael A. Stackpole
Toni Weisskopf
Timothy Zahn
DSC 56 February 23-25, 2018 ConCave XXXIX Bowling Green, KY 447 Claude Miles Rick Norwood Joe Green Jack Campbell (GoH)
Rick Norwood (Fan GoH)
DSC 57 May 31-June 2, 2019 ConCarolinas 2019 Charlotte, NC ~1400 Dawson Kriska Ron McClung & Jeff Smith Faith Hunter Tory Belleci (Media GoH)
David Weber (Author SG)
The Library Bards (Music GoHs)
Aaron Rosenberg (Author SG)
DSC 58 November 21, 2020
The first virtual DSC ~40 Frank Schiavo Raymond Boudreau, Rebecca Smith, & Jessica Styons Les Johnson
DSC 59 July 9-11, 2021 Con•Gregate 7 Winston-Salem, NC 380 James Fulbright Cheralyn Lambeth Allen L. Wold Timothy Zahn (GoH)
Michael A. Stackpole (GoH)
Tim Rickard (SG)
John G. Hartness (SG)
Toni Weisskopf (SG)
DSC 60 October 21-23, 2022 Huntsville, AL 168 Mike Kennedy & Sam Smith Brandy Bolgeo Hendren Eric Flint (Posthumously) & David B. Coe Jody Lynn Nye (Literary GoH)
Norman Cates (MC)
Sam R. Kennedy (Artist GoH)
Bill Plott (Fan GoH)
Jim Beall (Science Guest)
DSC 61 June 23-25, 2023 LibertyCon 35 Chattanooga, TN ~1100 Brandy Bolgeo Hendren Bill Ritch John Hartness Larry Correia (Literary GoH)
David Mattingly (Artist GoH)
Dr. Travis Taylor (STEM GoH)
Regina Kirby (Special GoH)
Terry Maggert (MC)
Timothy Zahn (35th Anniversary Literary Guest)
David Weber (35th Anniversary Special Guest)
DSC 62 October 11-13, 2024 ConToberFest Helen, GA 56 Jennifer Liang Edward deGruy Milton “Cat 5” Davis Milton Davis (Literary GoH)
Bill Harrison (Fan GoH)
John Hartness (TM)
Amanda Makepeace (Artist GoH)
DSC 63 October 10-12, 2025 CONtraflow XI Kenner, LA
Jessica Styons
Sarah & Jason Fisher (FGoHs)
DSC 64 Feb 2026 FenCon XXI Dallas, TX
Todd Caldwell

Date Title Location # Con Chair Rebel Winner Phoenix Winner Guests

Rubble Award Targets

Guy H. Lillian III 1987 Atlanta, GA The only target to choose himself.
Richard Gilliam 1988 Huntsville, AL Richly deserved.
John Guidry 1989 Memphis, TN Too obvious. Kicked a man already down.
Irvin Koch 1990 Chattanooga, TN Actually ate the Krystal meal.
Ken Moore 1991 Knoxville, TN Need I say Moore?
Ned Brooks 1992 Atlanta, GA Why? Because he was there.
Ben Yalow 1993 Louisville, KY Damnyankee. Best Presentation.
T.K.F. Weisskopf 1994 Birmingham, AL Thank Ghu for the Pez dispenser.
Gaylord Enterprises 1995 Nashville, TN A corporation at war with fandom.
Naomi Fisher 1996 Jekyll Island, GA For crimes against the waistlines of fandom.
Hank Reinhardt 1997 Jackson, MS It's Hank.
Gary R. Robe 1998 Birmingham, AL “Because He Can't Stop Us” and/or For Inventing the Rubble.
George Wells 1999 New Orleans, LA For Introducing Fandom to Amazon Women vs. the Aztec Mummy.
Naomi Fisher 2000 Jekyll Island, GA For Single-Handedly Destroying the DSC Banquet.
Steve & Sue Francis 2001 Birmingham, AL For Retiring Rivercon.
Rose-Marie (Rosy) Lillian 2002 Huntsville, AL “For Making Guy More Than He Was.”
Gerald Page 2003 Chattanooga, TN For a Lifetime of Disservice.
The Charlotte NASFIC Bid Committee Eight 2004 Memphis, TN For failure to vote for their own bid (which lost by six votes).
Judy Bemis 2005 Nashville, TN For resigning as SFC Treasurer.
The Entire Robe Family 2006 Raleigh-Durham, NC For not telling us Where To Go and What To Do.
Xerpes (a.k.a. Frank & Millie Kalisz) 2007 Dickson, TN For the invention of 'Skippy' punch.
Bob Embler 2008 High Point, NC For the attempted drowning of the DSC.
The Chattacon Registration Team 2009 Nashville, TN For not learning their lesson. Twice.
Uncle Timmy 2010 Charlotte, NC Because “It's all Uncle Timmy's fault!” and/or He'd been first runner-up too many times.
Bill Parker 2011 Dallas, TX For making us all work! (on LoneStarCon 3, the 2013 Texas WorldCon).
Bob Jennings 2012 Huntsville, AL For changing the SFPA deadline, after all these years.
Pat Gibbs 2013 Roswell, GA For bringing new life to the term “No table talk.”
Gary R. Robe 2014 Bristol, VA Self-inflicted - for botching the SFPA “Ego Boo” vote.
The Force of Gravity 2015 Kenner, LA For taking out Ned Brooks, who died in a fall.
Gov. Pat McCrory of North Carolina 2016 Atlanta, GA For damaging our inclusiveness.
The Chattanooga Choo Choo 2017 High Point, NC For “Going Condo” on LibertyCon
The Sidewalk in Front of the El Maguey Mexican Restaurant 2018 Bowling Green, KY For Tripping Claude Miles and Causing Him to Run ConCave 39 from a Scooter with a Broken Leg
Ron McClung 2019 Charlotte, NC For “Reasons”
COVID-19 2020 The first virtual DSC For cancelling every Southern convention for a whole year
<No Award> 2021 Winston-Salem, NC Who could follow an act like COVID-19?
COVID-19 2022 Huntsville, AL Still ...
<No Award> 2023 Chattanooga, TN ...
The pile of rubble that used to be the Park Mammoth Resort (ConCave's long-time hotel) 2024 Helen, GA It's a pile of “Rubble” ... Get it?

Cambrion Adventures

The Cambrion Adventures web site is located at

Memphis Science Fiction Association

Officers (1998): Chairbeing Michael Kingsley, Vice-Chairbeing Greg Bridges, Treasurer Sylvia Cox, Secretary Jane Venters-Dike, Memphen co-editors Tim and Barbara Gatewood. E-mail: Web site: Editorial E-mail address:

North Carolina Fandom, UNC-Chapel Hill & Research Triangle

Excerpts from an e-mail received from Laura Haywood ...

From: Laura Haywood <>
Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 14:16:24 -0400
Subject: ERROR in the NC Section on Southern Fandom


Hi.  I found an error on the on-line version of the history of 
Southern Fandom, North Carolina section.  The erroneous sentence 
reads, “ a club at UNC-Chapel Hill that put on Stellarcon--which 
still seems to be going, although not in Chapel Hill anymore, see 
below--”.  The group that used to put on Stellarcon is the 
Science Fiction & Fantasy Federation (aka SF3), the student fan 
group at UNC-Greensboro, NOT Chapel Hill. UNC-Chapel Hill used to 
put on a different convention, called Chimeracon.  UNC's student 
group was called Chimera, but it's now defunct after 1997's 
ill-fated “Chimerafest”.  Please see my Chimera archive at:

for more info on the past, present, and future of fandom in the 
Chapel Hill and Triangle area.  (I was the Con Manager for 
Chimeracon VI.) While organized fandom may be dead at UNC-Chapel 
Hill, I'm happy to say that fandom in the area is in fact alive 
and well - I and three other old-time Chimeroids last year 
founded the Research Triangle Science Fiction Society, which has 
an active email list of over 70 people and meets twice monthly in 
the RTP area.
PO Box 90821
Raleigh NC  27675
Laura Haywood, President (919) 933-7909

Some of us are also organizing a convention to be held in late 
September, 2000.  Trinoc*coN will be a broad-based sf convention, 
with literary events, gaming, a video room, science track, and 
PO Box 10633
Raleigh NC  27605-0633
Sean Fannon, Con Manager, (919) 250-0344


Laura Haywood
President, Research Triangle Science Fiction Society

{See also The Apocrypha}

Ian Macauley

Excerpts from an e-mail received from Simon Macauley ...

From: “Simon Macauley”
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2002 12:11:40 +0000
Subject: Re: Early Southern Fandom

This e-mail will bear specific reference to your site at:

This quote interested me:

“ ... (We wonder where are Carson Jacks, Ian Macauley, and Peter Ridley 
these days.)”

I also see Ian Macauley's name splashed all over your site.

I'm actually in a position to tell you where he is these days, as I see him 
every day. He's my father.

Re: Career - he worked for the New York Times as a Senior Editor/Head of the 
Foreign, (and at times) Culture Desks. His tenure at NYT amounted to over 30 
years. Nominated for a Pulitzer in '92.

Re: Arthur C. Clarke - maintained a solid frendship, and now monthly contact 
via phone or email. Haven't seen him in ten years, as he lives in Sri Lanka, 
though in '91 he did invite us down to a book signing in London.

Re: Family - divorced once, married now to his second wife of 24 years, my 
mother, an accomplished syndicated columnist/author/former writer for “As 
The World Turns”.

Re: Me - only child, interests in science fiction/fantasy, but mostly in 
women outside the realm of fantasy. xx years old, college student, pre-med 
major. Former actor, Broadway, “One Life to Live”, neo-classical composer 
via piano/electronic instrumentation.

Re: His present status - at 67, lives in Las Vegas with us, his family. 
Retired, though he edited the collected science essays of Arthur C. Clarke 
in 1998.


Simon Macauley

Thank you very much, Simon!
On 3 September 2012, Simon sent word that his father, Ian, has since died ...

Mike Reaser

Mike Reaser sends word that his name is spelled “Mike Reaser”.

Allies for Star Trek, Memphis, Tennessee

From The Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin Vol. 7, No. 6, March, 2000, pg. 2 (Julie Wall, Editor):

The Allies for Star Trek (Memphis, TN) sent an update on the club info.
Steve Joyce
David Jackson

Also they asked to delete the web address and said they'd let us know when the new one was up.

A Tabular History of Huntsville Cons

(Note: ZerCon and all later cons listed are the NASFA cons.)

Name Date Facility Con Chair(s)
DeepSouthCon 1 (MidSouthCon) July 1963 David Hulan
DeepSouthCon 4 26-28 Aug. 1966 Lon Atkins
MidSouthCon {Errata} 20-22 June 1980 Sheraton Andy Purcell Fred Pohl (GoH)
Frank Kelly Freas (MC)
Wilson “Bob” Tucker (Fan GoH)
ZerCon 21 Nov. 1981 Kings Inn Rhett Mitchell
Con†Stellation I (The Pleiades) 16-18 July 1982 Sheraton Mike Kennedy
Mark Paulk
Phyllis Eisenstein (GoH)
Andrew J. Offutt (MC)
Ken Moore (Fan GoH)
Lou Moore (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation II (Gemini) 25-27 March 1983 Sheraton Sunn Hayward
Mike Kennedy
Joe Haldeman (GoH)
Jack C. Haldeman II (GoH)
Frank Kelly Freas (MC)
Kevin Ward (Artist GoH)
Charlie Williams (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation II.V (Ursa Minor) 10-11 Dec. 1983 Sheraton Mike Kennedy
Nelda Kennedy

Con†Stellation III (Ursa Major) 19-21 Oct. 1984 Sheraton Nelda Kennedy
Mark Paulk
Gordon R. Dickson (GoH)
Frank Kelly Freas (MC)
Mark Maxwell (Artist GoH)
Maurine Dorris (Fan GoH)
“Uncle Timmy” Bolgeo (Fan GoH)
DeepSouthCon 23 21-23 June 1985 Carriage Inn Mary Axford
Richard Gilliam
Marion Zimmer Bradley (GoH)
Algis Budrys (MC)
Barclay Shaw (Artist GoH)
Bob Sampson (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation IV (Aquarius) 11-13 Oct. 1985 Sheraton Howard Camp
G. Patrick Molloy
Wilson “Bob” Tucker (Special Guest)
Con†Stellation V (Andromeda) 24-26 Oct. 1986 Hilton Rich Garber
Glenn Valentine
Orson Scott Card (GoH)
Marta Randall (MC)
Ron Lindahn (Artist GoH)
Val Lakey Lindahn (Artist GoH)
Rusty Hevelin (Fan GoH)
DeepSouthCon 25 11-14 June 1987 Marriott Richard Gilliam
G. Patrick Molloy
Robert Bloch (GoH)
Hugh B. Cave (Special Guest)
Ramsey Campbell (MC)
Phil Foglio (Artst GoH)
Lee Hoffman (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation VI (Lyra) 9-11 Oct. 1987 Holiday Inn Sunn Hayward
Mike Stone
Julius Schwartz (GoH)
Con†Stellation VII (Centaurus) 21-23 Oct. 1988 Hilton G. Patrick Molloy
Mike Kennedy
John Varley (GoH)
Algis Budrys (MC)
Todd Cameron Hamilton (Artist GoH)
Ricia Mainhardt (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation VIII (Cetus) 13-15 Oct. 1989 Sheraton Karl Sackett
Nelda Kennedy
Gary K. Wolf (GoH)
George Alec Effinger (MC)
Debbie Hughes (Artist GoH)
Mark Paulk (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation IX (Sagittarius) 19-21 Oct. 1990 University Inn Mike Kennedy
Elaine Hinman
Lois McMaster Bujold (GoH)
C.J. Cherryh (MC)
Tom Kidd (Artist GoH)
Susan Honeck (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation X (Draco) 8-10 Nov. 1991 Hilton Sam Smith
Nelda Kennedy
Algis Budrys (GoH)
Toni Weisskopf (MC)
Bob Giadrosich (Artist GoH)
Buck Coulson (Fan GoH)
Juanita Coulson (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation XI (Scorpio) 6-8 Nov. 1992 Hilton Jay Johns
Mike Kennedy
Kristine Kathryn Rusch (GoH)
Dean Wesley Smith (GoH)
Michael Flynn (MC)
Stephen Hickman (Artist GoH)
Mike Glicksohn (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation XII (Orion) 12-14 Nov. 1993 Hilton Sam Smith
Robin Ray
Jim Baen (GoH)
Julius Schwartz (“Super” GoH)
James P. Hogan (MC)
David O. Miller (Artist GoH)
Marcia McCoy (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation XIII (Musca) 4-6 Nov. 1994 Tom Bevill Center Robin Ray
Rhett Mitchell
Spider Robinson (GoH)
Timothy Zahn (MC)
Alan M. Clark (Artist GoH)
Sue Thorn (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation XIV (Monoceros) 3-5 Nov. 1995 Tom Bevill Center Sam Smith
Randy Cleary
Rick Shelley (GoH)
Roland Castle (MC)
Ruth Thompson (Artist GoH)
Adrian Washburn (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation XV (Aquila) 8-10 Nov. 1996 Tom Bevill Center Mike Kennedy Stanley Schmidt (GoH)
Rick Cook (MC)
Chloie Airoldi (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation XVI (Eridanus) 17-19 Oct. 1997 Airport Sheraton Marcia Illingworth
Sam Smith
Jack L. Chalker (GoH)
Les Johnson (MC)
Randy Cleary (Artist GoH)
Sue Toker (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation XVII (Hydra) 9-11 Oct. 1998 Airport Sheraton Pat Brooks
Marie McCormack
Mike Resnick (GoH)
Tim Powers (MC)
Bob Eggleton (Artist GoH)
David O. Miller (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation XVIII (Lupus) 29-31 Oct. 1999 Airport Sheraton Pat Brooks
Marie McCormack
Allen Steele (GoH)
David Weber (MC)
Charles Keegan (Artist GoH)
Tom Feller (Fan GoH)
Anita Feller (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation XIX (Virgo) 13-15 Oct. 2000 Airport Sheraton Mike Cothran
Anita Eisenberg
Debra Doyle (GoH)
James D. Macdonald (GoH)
Eric Flint (MC)
Kenneth Waters (Artist GoH)
Julie Wall (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation XX (Camelopardalis) 19-21 Oct. 2001 Airport Sheraton Marie McCormack
John Ringo (GoH)
Jack McDevitt (MC)
David Mattingly (Artist GoH)
Steve Francis (Fan GoH)
Sue Francis (Fan GoH)
DeepSouthCon 40 14-16 June 2002 Hilton Sam Smith
Allen Steele (GoH)
Connie Willis (TM)
Vincent Di Fate (Artist GoH)
Nicki Lynch (Fan GoH)
Rich Lynch (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation XXI (Pavo) 18-20 Oct. 2002 Holiday Inn Express Marie McCormack
Eric Flint (GoH)
K.D. Wentworth (MC)
Darrell K. Sweet (Artist GoH)
Sandy McDade (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation XXII (Pegasus) 10-12 Oct. 2003 Holiday Inn Express Mike Kennedy
Mercedes Lackey (GoH)
Larry Dixon (MC)
Don Maitz (Artist GoH)
Guy H. Lillian III (Fan GoH)
Rosy Lillian (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation XXIII (Delphinus) 15-17 Oct. 2004 Holiday Inn Express Mike Kennedy
Lawrence Watt-Evans (GoH)
Kinuko Y. Craft (Artist GoH)
Grant Kruger (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation XXIV (Lepus) 7-9 Oct. 2005 Holiday Inn Express Anita Eisenberg
Marie McCormack
James P. Hogan (GoH)
Eric Flint (MC)
Guy Gordon (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation XXV (Cygnus) 20-22 Oct. 2006 Holiday Inn Express Doug Lampert
Mary (Ortwerth) Lampert
David Drake (GoH)
Theresa Mather (Artist GoH)
Stephen Hickman (MC)
Glen Cook (Special Guest)
Con†Stellation XXVI (Ophiuchus) 12-14 Oct. 2007 Holiday Inn Express Marie McCormack
Mike Shepherd Moscoe (GoH)
Dr. Travis S. Taylor (MC)
Pat McAdams (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation XXVII (Cassiopeia) 17-19 Oct. 2008 Holiday Inn Express Mary (Ortwerth) Lampert
Doug Lampert
Diane Duane (GoH)
Mike Resnick (MC)
Bill Holbrook (Special Guest)
Con†Stellation XXVIII (Vulpecula) 18-20 September 2009 Holiday Inn Express Mike Kennedy
Sam Smith
David Weber (GoH)
Jack McDevitt (MC)
John Picacio (Artist GoH)
Gary Shelton (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation XXIX (Leo) 17-19 September 2010 Holiday Inn Express Doug Lampert
Mary (Ortwerth) Lampert
Wen Spencer (GoH)
Steve Jackson (MC)
Vincent DiFate (Artist GoH)
Warren Buff (Fan GoH)
Con†Stellation XXX (Corona Borealis) 16-18 September 2011 Holiday Inn Express Anita Eisenberg
Gene Wolfe (GoH)
Lubov (Artist GoH)
Gay Haldeman (Fan GoH)
Stephanie Osborn (MC)
Joe Haldeman (Special Guest)
Con†Stellation XXXI (Perseus) 12-14 October 2012 Holiday Inn Express Mike Kennedy
David B. Coe (GoH)
Melissa Gay (Artist GoH)
The Moon Princesses (Fan GoH)
Stephanie Osborn (MC)
D.B. Jackson (Special Guest)
Con†Stellation XXXII (Columba) 11-13 October 2013 Holiday Inn Express Mary (Ortwerth) Lampert
Doug Lampert
Larry Correia (GoH)
Kurt “More Missiles” Miller (Artist GoH)
Darrell “Doc” Osborn (Fan GoH)
Stephanie Osborn (MC)
Con†Stellation XXXIII (Coma Berenices) 16-18 October 2015 Airport Sheraton Shelly Lassiter
Jenny Leach
Orson Scott Card (GoH)
Sam Flegal (Artist GoH)
Jeff “Ugly Shoes” Harris (MC)
Con†Stellation XXXIV (Mensa) 14-16 October 2016 Airport Sheraton Mary (Ortwerth) Lampert
Doug Lampert
Jody Lynn Nye (Literary GoH)
Howard Tayler (Artist GoH)
Bill Fawcett (MC)
Con†Stellation XXXV (Horologium) 13-15 October 2017 Airport Sheraton Judy Smith
Sue Thorn
Mary Robinette Kowal (GoH)
David O. Miller (Artist GoH)
Toni Weisskopf (MC)
DeepSouthCon 60 21-23 October 2022 Embassy Suites by Hilton Mike Kennedy
Sam Smith
Jody Lynn Nye (Literary GoH)
Norman Cates (MC)
Sam R. Kennedy (Artist GoH)
Bill Plott (Fan GoH)
Jim Beall (Science Guest)




Con Chair(s)


Con†Stellation XXXV in 2017 was the last Con†Stellation

MidSouthCon 1980 - Program Book

The 1980 MidSouthCon held in Huntsville, Alabama was considered “MidSouthCon 1” for the purposes of the numbering sequence used by the ongoing MidSouthCon in Memphis, Tennessee. This was not a North Alabama Science Fiction Association (NASFA) convention, but it led directly to the formation of NASFA.

Recently, I was gifted with a copy of the 1980 MidSouthCon program book. I have taken the liberty of scanning and OCRing it to a PDF file, located here: <MidSouthCon-1980-Program-Book.pdf>.


Dues and LOCs

To join the SFC send $15 to Treasurer Brandy Bolgeo Hendren at 802 South Valleywood Circle, Hixson TN 37343-2446. Club or convention membership is $50 annually. All checks should be payable to the Southern Fandom Confederation.
Letters of comment can be sent to the editor,
c/o R.B.Cleary, 8000 Madison Blvd Ste D102 PMB 173, Madison, AL 35758
or to Randy B. Cleary via e-mail to: <>


As of the SFC business meeting held on 21 May 2000, the annual dues for the SFC are now $15 per year.

Questions? Comments? Send e-mail to:

Copyright (C) 2024 Samuel A. Smith All Rights Reserved
Last Revised: Mon Oct 14 16:36:46 CDT 2024
